Tuesday, July 01, 2014

The decline of blogging.

Due to the gradual but continuous decline of blogging as a means of communicating with readers, and the rise of more immediate means such as Twitter and Facebook, I'm going to cease posting here as of today.

I know that I said this at about the same time last year, and then found myself re-starting the blog to closely monitor my growth as both an independent author as well as trade published. However, as the digital age grips publishing more closely so the more important it becomes to utilise only those means that are highly effective at reaching an audience. Although my blog receives at least 1,000 hits per month, it's never really certain how many of those hits are from interested readers and how many are "robots" and "spiders" sent out by data-gathering companies.

My interest is speaking directly to readers, and for that purpose my Facebook Fan Page and Twitter account are by far the most direct means that I know of. In addition, these days it's considered wise for an author not to spread themselves too thinly across the Internet, and instead focus on one or two effective sites on which to be found.

You can find me there at the following;



I may arrange a web-site specific blog in the future to share my thoughts, rather than here. Either way, my website is where you can find me:

Dean Crawford Books

Cheers  :)