A bit of breaking news for those aspiring authors who follow my blog. In the next few weeks I'll be starting a blog diary here that will document the writing of an entire Ethan Warner novel ( provisionally titled "WRAITH" ). Running for approximately one year, I'm hoping to chart the process from beginning to end to show how I go about writing a 120,000 word novel.
Everything except the actual story-line will be covered ( no sense in revealing too much or there wouldn't be any point in reading the finished article! ). Research, plotting, cliff-hangers, science, character, dialogue and narrative: if it's part of the novel, I'll write about it and detail the challenges and the thinking behind creating the next installment of the series.
My publisher, Simon & Schuster, are going to be involved and are fully behind the idea, so keep an eye on my blog over the next few weeks - I'm hoping that the first blog installment will appear around early August!